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Why Every Self-Published Author Needs an Author Website and Email List in 2024

Recent email authentication changes by Google and Yahoo have made it more important than ever for self-published authors to build their own author platform with a professional website and email list.

Author Website

Here's what every indie author needs to know to succeed in 2024.

The Importance of an Author Website

As an independent author, your website is the foundation of your author platform. It allows readers to learn about you, explore your books, and buy your titles. Without a website, you are missing out on organic traffic and online sales.

However, up until now, many authors have relied solely on retail sites like Amazon for sales and social media for promotions. With the email marketing changes in 2023, that is no longer enough.

Why You Need Your Own Domain and Site

In February 2024, Google and Yahoo implemented new email authentication protocols that require bulk emails to come from a verified domain name. That means you can no longer just use a free Gmail address to send newsletters through MailChimp or ConvertKit.

To continue emailing fans and newsletter subscribers, self-published authors now need their own registered domain name and professional-looking website.

This establishes you as a serious author with a brand readers can trust.

Don't Rely on Social Media Alone

While social media is great for engagement, platforms like Facebook and Instagram can change their algorithms at any time. Your author's website is something you fully own and control.

Social media should supplement your website, not act as a replacement. Don't make the mistake of only promoting your books on sites that could limit your reach overnight.

Benefits of Having Your Own Author Website

Here are just some of the key benefits of investing in your own author platform with a website:

  • Builds your brand and credibility as an author

  • Allows you to control your message and image

  • Enables email list sign-ups and email marketing

  • It provides a hub for all your books in one place

  • Gives readers a way to contact you directly

  • Generates organic traffic through SEO

Tips for Creating Your Author Website

If you don't yet have your own website, here are some tips to get started:

Choose a domain name: Pick an author domain name that matches your pen name and brand.

Use a website builder: User-friendly platforms like Wix or Squarespace make it easy to build a site.

Showcase your books: Feature your titles, and descriptions, and buy links prominently.

Add an email signup: Use a popup or footer to help visitors join your mailing list.

Include an about page: Let readers get to know the person behind the stories.

Optimise for SEO: Do keyword research to improve search visibility.

Post regularly: Add fresh blog content to give visitors a reason to come back.

Grow Your Email List with Useful Content

Once your website is up, focus on driving traffic and collecting email subscribers. Offer free stories, book previews, special deals, and other opt-in incentives in exchange for emails.

Send out well-written, valuable newsletters so readers look forward to your messages.

Share writing tips, cover reveals, advance chapters, discounts, and more.

Own Your Author Platform in 2024

The key takeaway for self-published authors is that you need to own your platform if you want long-term success. Build your brand with a professional website, grow your audience using social media, and keep readers engaged through email. Relying solely on retail sites puts your career at risk.

Take control of your author presence in 2024 by investing time and effort into your own website and mailing list. If you need assistance getting set up, contact Indie Bubble for help establishing your brand online.

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