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How Do Authors Build an Email List of Readers?

As an author just starting out, one of the most important things you can do is build an email list of readers interested in your books. But how exactly do you collect email addresses and connect with readers in your target audience? 

Building an Author Email List

An email list allows you to promote new releases, share exclusive content, get feedback, and build relationships with your ideal readers. While social media is great, email marketing helps you reach readers directly in their inboxes. But you can't just buy an email list - you need to organically build your list by offering value to readers.

Building an author email list

Here are some tips for authors looking to grow their email lists:

  • Create a lead magnet like a free short story or novella that readers can download in exchange for their email address. Use services like BookFunnel or StoryOrigin to distribute it.

  • Promote your newsletter signup through social media posts, ads, groups, and through networking with other authors.

  • Provide an incentive for signing up, like advanced access to new releases, exclusive stories, or special discounts. 

  • Send regular updates with your latest news, book recommendations, sales, giveaways, or other valuable content so readers want to stay subscribed.

  • Use professional email marketing services like MailerLite, ConvertKit, or Mailchimp to manage your contacts and send polished newsletters.

  • Ask current fans to share your mailing list with friends or post about it online to help grow your reach.

The key is providing value and building relationships, not just blasting sales pitches. Nurture your email list community by sending useful, engaging content. Listen to what your readers want and make subscribing worthwhile. Slowly but surely, you'll be able to reach more readers directly and make a lasting impact.

So while an email list may take dedication and creativity to build as a new author, it can pay huge dividends for your long-term success if done right. Just remember always to get permission and offer value in exchange for those coveted email addresses!

So what are you waiting for?

Start building your author email list today using these strategies to connect with readers who love your books!

If you need any help getting started or want advice on growing your mailing list, don't hesitate to contact us.

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